
Attorney General's Agricultural Duties
The Attorney General supports Illinois' agricultural interests, collaborates with other governmental bodies, and advocates on behalf of Illinois' agricultural producers.
Provides representation for the Illinois Department of Agriculture - The Attorney General's General Law Division represents the Illinois Department of Agriculture in various issues, including cases in Federal Court, Circuit Court, the Court of Claims, and in front of the Human Rights Commission and the Illinois Commerce Commission.
Serves as Corporate Secretary for the Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation - The Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation ensures that any farmer or claimant who suffers a loss because of a failed elevator, within the statutory definition, is paid. The Attorney General's Office assists in recovering assets for both the Grain Insurance Corporation and the claimants if a grain elevator fails and there is a shortfall after liquidating the assets of the elevator.
Enforces State Environmental Laws - Through the work of the Environmental Enforcement Division and the Environmental Crimes Bureau, the Attorney General's Office enforces the state's environmental laws and criminally prosecutes the worst polluters. In addition, the Attorney General’s Office works to stop pollution and ensure that polluters, not taxpayers, pay the cost of cleanup. By participating in the Environmental Crimes Investigators Network, the Attorney General's Office designates and trains local law enforcement officers to identify and investigate polluters, thus expanding the Office's enforcement ability.
Encourages Competition in Business - The Attorney General works to protect consumers and businesses by enforcing antitrust laws and prohibiting unfair methods of competition or activities that restrain trade, including grain elevator mergers, market consolidation and gas, hog and farm chemical prices. The Attorney General also participates in the National Association of Attorneys General's Livestock Working Group to address hog price concerns.
Advocates for Agriculture and Provides Information to Producers - As a statewide resource of consumer information, the Attorney General's Office provides information to producers on the latest developments in state law that may affect them. In addition, the Attorney General advocates on behalf of producers and the agriculture industry to ensure fairness in all state activities.
Leads the Agricultural Advisory Council - The council seeks to ensure that the needs of rural Illinois receive the attention they deserve from the Attorney General's Office. Formed in Spring 2000, the council meets twice a year to discuss issues important to the agricultural community and to develop programs within the Attorney General's Office that will assist producers throughout the state.
Methamphetamine and Agriculture: Facts, Theft Prevention Tips, and Contact Information
While there are several ways to manufacture the dangerous and addictive drug methamphetamine, one “recipe” features anhydrous ammonia as a key ingredient. This chemical is commonly used for agricultural purposes, making the Illinois farmer a prime target for anhydrous ammonia thefts.