Responding to Sexual Assault

The painful effects of sexual assault, domestic violence and other forms of sexual violence can impact every person who is violated, their families and loved ones, and the larger community. The Attorney General's Office offers numerous programs and services aimed at protecting the rights and the personal safety of individuals regardless of gender, orientation, or identification.
Through a vigorous legislative agenda in Springfield and innovative partnerships with law enforcement around the state, the Attorney General's Office also continues to work toward improved sex offender management in Illinois, a reduced rate of sexual crimes, and more aggressive prosecutions of criminals who commit sexual violence.
SANE Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
The mission of the Illinois Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (IL SANE) Program is to increase the number of SANEs working in Illinois by providing high quality, consistent education and support for registered nurses and other professionals serving sexual assault survivors.
Sexual Assault on Campus
Sexual abuse is a serious problem for students at all education levels. Many students are embarrassed, confused or too afraid to report this behavior or seek help.
In October 2019, The Attorney General's Office announced a partnership with the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) to ensure students know where to find support and assistance.
Improving Law Enforcement's Response to Sexual Assault Crimes in Illinois
A victim's ability to recover from the trauma of sexual assault or sexual abuse has been directly linked to the response of others to their trauma, particularly the response of law enforcement authorities to a victim who comes forward to report the crime. The response of law enforcement can directly impact a victim's ability to heal as well as his or her willingness to actively participate in an investigation by law enforcement.