Title: Assistant Attorney General - Revenue Litigation
Division: Government Representation
Bureau: Revenue Litigation
The Revenue Litigation Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General's Office is seeking an attorney with excellent research and writing skills and a demonstrated commitment to public service. A strong candidate will have a demonstrated interest in and enthusiasm for the practice areas of collection work, creditors in bankruptcy and tort litigation.
The Revenue Litigation Bureau represents the interests of the State in litigation involving the collection of debts owed to State agencies. These cases include property damage and personal injury matters arising from damage to state property and injuries to state employees, as well as various fines, penalties and contractual liabilities. The Bureau represents the Department of Revenue in the civil enforcement of taxes administered by the Department. In this regard, the Bureau handles everything from small collection and bankruptcy cases to major litigation, involving challenges by large corporate taxpayers to tax assessments. The Bureau also handles administrative reviews for the Department of Revenue, Employment Security and the Property Tax Appeal Board.
We are primarily interested in individuals with at least two years experience in one or more of the following areas: representing creditors in bankruptcy; tort litigation; collection work; Illinois business income tax or sales and excise tax practice; or the Illinois estate tax.
Candidates must be licensed by the State of Illinois at the time of application.
Salary: Salaries are commensurate with number of years of practice as a licensed attorney and range from $ 82,000 to $ 107,550.
To ensure full consideration, please send cover letter, resume, three professional references, and writing sample to:
Attn: Thor Y. Inouye
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
115 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 814-3695
(312) 814-5024 (Fax)