For Businesses
Franchise Information

The Franchise Bureau in the Office of the Attorney General registers and monitors franchisors and brokers who seek to sell franchises in Illinois. The goal of the bureau and the Franchise Disclosure Act it administers is to provide presale disclosures and protection for prospective franchisees. The bureau provides information on the Act and rules applicable to the offering of franchises and on the business and financial histories of franchisors.
Franchise Advisory Board Meeting Information
The Attorney General’s Office is the administrator of the Franchise Advisory Board. The Franchise Advisory Board members have knowledge and experience in franchising and advise the Attorney General on franchising and franchise-related matters. The Franchise Advisory Board, from time to time, shall make recommendations concerning the administration and enforcement of the Franchise Disclosure Act.
Franchise Downloadables Franchise Forms
Franchise Registration Forms
- Form A - Uniform Franchise Registration Application
- Form B - Franchisor's Costs and Sources of Funds
- Form C - Uniform Franchise Consent to Service of Process
- Form D - Franchise Seller Disclosure Form
- Form E - Guaranty of Performance
- Form F - Consent of Accountant